The Full Story
What to Expect
If you plan to worship with us in-person, we offer two wonderful experiences. Crossroads, our lively contemporary service with a great band, meets at 9 am every Sunday. Our traditional choral service with our talented Chancel Choir, meets at 11 am every Sunday. Most people dress casually.
Children (pre-K through 5th grade) can go directly to Church School in our FPCE Kids area most Sundays. On the first Sunday of each month children are invited to worship with their families.
You're invited to stay for coffee and snacks after each service. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Our Campus
We have a large campus that can be a little confusing at first. Our main worship entrance is on the upper side of the church (away from Palisade Avenue) and most easily accessed from the "upper lot".
If you have children (pre-K through 5th grade) who would like to attend our Church School, the FPCE Kids entrance is on the northeast corner of the building. (Please note that on the first Sunday of each month, families stay in worship together.) This entrance is most easily accessed from the "lower lot".
Fire Recovery
In 2016, our historic worship space was destroyed in a fire. With support from the community, we worshiped in other places (Temple Sinai, the Dwight-Englewood School) until we could remediate our smoke damage and refurbish our gymnasium for worship. After Covid, we have finally been able to begin construction on our new worship auditorium and expect to be worshiping in it in early 2024.